Testimony on Structural Issues at the Cannabis Control Commission
Testimony to the Subcommittee on Market Participation
Letter to Massachusetts legislators
Testimony Regarding Decriminalization
Testimony Regarding Medical and Research Bills
Testimony Regarding Host Community Agreements
Model language on ownership and control limitations
Testimony in favor of Connecticut HB 6377, An Act Concerning Labor Peace Agreements and a Modern and Equitable Cannabis Workforce
Considerations for Delivery Public Comment Period
Testimony Regarding Equitable Regulation of the Cannabis Industry in the City of Boston
Testimony for a Hearing Reviewing the Implementation of the Ordinance Establishing the Equitable Regulation of the Cannabis Industry in the City of Boston
Testimony in Support of S. 2643, An Act Establishing a Massachusetts Paycheck Protection Program (PPP)
Testimony About 105 CMR 801, Severe Lung Disease Associated With Vaping Products
Testimony on Bills Regarding Criminal Justice, Social Equity, and Municipal Regulation
Recap of 8/14 and 8/15 Hearings
Testimony on Bills Regarding Social Consumption and Host Community Agreements
Recap of CCC 6/25 Meeting
Equity Updates
Top 10 Equity Must-Haves in Any Legalization Bill